This effort has included the development of a shared language for globalized trade consisting of terms and definitions and the development of a certification program that certifies testing institutes globally.
This guarantees all parties involved use the same testing methods. Today there are more than 30 labs around the world that are IDFB certified.
Standards and Regulations
The Technical Committee through years of research has created global testing standards for down and feather materials. These standards are recognized around the world. Each country has it's own labeling requirements.
IDFB creates testing standards which are the processes and methods for testing down and feather to determine their composition, cleanliness, fill power and other. Labeling Standards are rules applied in each country governing how down and feather materials can be labled and promoted.
Testing Standard
IDFB Testing Regulations
Labeling Standards
IDFB thanks IDFL Laboratories and Institutes for collecting and providing the information about the below labeling standards.
AS 2479-2007
Canadian Down & Feather Products Labeling Standard
Various Standards according product group
EN 12934
KS K2620:2014, 2019
JDFA Bedding/Apparel
VSB-Norm Nr. 2.0
CNS 2219 N.1034
USA-2000, ASTM D-4522

IDFB Lab Certification Program
Independent third-party labs can participate in the annual lab certification program. This is the process: IDFB will mail samples to be tested and review the test result. If the results don’t exceed a certain threshold, they will be listed as an IDFB certified lab. A lab must pass the program for two years in a row to receive its first certificate and to then be listed as an Associated Member of IDFB.
Internal labs of companies that are IDFB members can attend the same program and will receive IDFB recognition but are not listed on the website.
Animal Welfare and Traceability Programs
Down and feather is part of the vast global food and agricultural supply chain. As an organization, IDFB supports the ethical treatment of animals and does not condone the illegal harvesting of down or feathers from live birds. Furthermore, IDFB supports its many members that promote traceability programs and ethical treatment of animal pledges and programs. All IDFB members, including trade associations across Europe, Asia and America plus individual companies worldwide, follow standards for the ethical treatments of birds.
In its report, The Sustainable and Ethical Practices of the Down and Feather Industry: A Global Assessment of Industry Statistics and Practices, the International Down and Feather Bureau (IDFB) found that the vast majority of down and feather producers globally abide by sustainable and ethical procurement methods. Down and feather fill is a byproduct sourced from ducks and geese treated in accordance with industry standards established for the food industry. Deviation from these standards and practices (less than 1% of the industry) is censured by the industry.
Author: Harry Schmitz, Ph.D.
Commissioned by the International Down and Feather Bureau (IDFB)
Industry Resources
Because of its wide range of membership categories, IDFB’s member companies represent country-based trade associations, government entities, processors of raw material, independent testing labs, and end-product manufacturers from around the world. These constitute all the industry resources available on down and feather.